Monday, March 16, 2009

And here I thought I was original

It looks like I'm not the only 50 year old intern around. WOW, the website started by Joni Evans, Leslie Stahl, et al, is hiring interns to retool them.

You can find the story in the LA Times here

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Taking the SAT challenge

My son is preparing for the SATs (pretty diligently, I'm pleased to see). As he was asking my husband and me (I know grammatically it's not my husband and I..or at least so I've told my son as he slogs through the grammar sections)...anyway, I digress. My son suggested that we should try the SATs again--after all, it's only been about 30 years!)

So, I tried. I set the timer. I had my number 2 pencil. Then, Linksys called from India to see how my network router was working (go figure, they refused to talk to me because my router was out of warranty but they called back to see how I was doing). Then, my husband, who is sitting next to me perusing youtube for inexplicable reasons, decides to start playing videos REALLY LOUDLY.
"You're trying to sabotage my test," I said. "Please, just SHUT UP so I can concentrate!" I take these tests very seriously.

I did ok on the verbal (oh, it's got some other name now, like critical reading). But the passages were abstruse and the questions oblique and I think I need a nap.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Listening as Fast as I can

So I haven't blogged in awhile; I'm a bit shy about blogging, because I always wonder who really wants to hear what I'm thinking. But also, because I am 99% sure that this first internship isn't for me and I am wondering how to extricate myself from it.

The initial problems were that there was no office to speak of--an empty classroom with florescent lighting and no accessible bathroom. The 1 1/2 hour commute didn't quite seem worth it. And then there's the question of what I do. I should be able to help with press stuff, but I have discovered that I am incapable of writing a press release because I've been too long on the other side of them.

And then there's the heart of the matter--there is a steep learning curve with all this technology stuff. I go to meetings, seminars and I have to focus really hard to make sure I can follow. Trying to write down every term I don't know (and there are many) so I can go home and see if I can figure out what everyone is talking about