Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 1

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

I have an internship. In the venture capital world. One day a week, which is good as a start.

I know I need to reorganize my life, even to get out one day a week. So, I get up at 6:30. Walk the dog. Take husband to the train. Get son up for school. Jump in shower. Wake son up again. Eat a quick breakfast. Wake son up again (it works this time). Pack his lunch. Put out drycleaning. Lure dog into kitchen so he can remain until dogwalker arrives midday.

Dry hair rapidly, attempt makeup. Huge glob of makeup lands in eye. Replace contact lens with new contact lens. Realize shirt is inside out. Change shirt. Put on coat, scarf, gloves, etc because of course it is the coldest day of the year.

Rush to train. Hundreds of people on the platform, not a good sign. Turns out that not only is my train late, but the train before it is late. Jump on first train. Stand all the way to grand central.

Get out. Buy water, second newspaper because I think I have 40 minutes to get to Wall Street. Go to subway platform. Miss first train. Wait 15 minutes for second train. Stand AGAIN all the way to Wall Street.

Get to office. Meet new boss. He says, "did you bring a laptop? I forgot to tell you to bring one." Needless to say, what do I know about bringing a laptop? I didn't

So we stay, chat a bit, I use my blackberry for notes on things I do not fully understand and then head back home.

Attempt to get soup. They're out of anything palatable. Which is a good thing because when I walk in the kitchen, I see that the dog has something terribly wrong. Perhaps it has to do with his escaping for 2 hours Saturday night, winding up at a party blocks away where they were roasting a pig. Not sure. Spend 30 minutes cleaning up. Head to basement to get final supplies to clean rest of floor.

Ceiling in the basement has fallen in. A whole chunk. over the washing machine. Debris (probably asbestos, but too late, I've already breathed) everywhere. Water too. Plumber not calling me back.

What a day.


Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading every word! Sorry your first day was so chock full of little disasters. Tomorrow will be a better day. I can't wait to read more about all your internship experiences. What a fabulous idea!

bacooking said...

I can't believe your first day could be full of so many disasters - at least you have a great sense of humor about all of it. Looking forward to hearing more.

JFPare said...

I woke my son up 7 times this morning. I'm impressed that you only had to wake your son up 3 times. I always knew that the most efficient people in the world are working mothers.

What is the dress code in the world of interns? I'm not sure I could unearth my working-girl wardrobe, but I am sure that I'd be utterly out of date if I could. What was the old adage anyway: Look like a woman, act like a man, work like a dog? Or was it look like a man, act like a woman, work like a dog?

And thank you, Ellen, for singlehandedly breaking the age barrier for interns. Why should we be stuck filing and fund raising (for free) when our kids get to do challenging and exciting work (for no pay)?

Mid-level in Mid-town at Mid-Life said...

I want to hear more about your day at the office! Did friends on the train platform look surprised to see you on the commuter train (as opposed to the getting your haircut train)? Were you the oldest, or the youngest, in the office? Did they give you your own desk? What's changed, and what's stayed the same since the last time you were at work? And, what did you wear? Are you looking forward to the next time? Can't wait to hear more.